Friday, November 11, 2005


I was very busy with all kinds of things that I didn't translate my dutch site over here anymore. I was busy for the astma foundation, with my painting lessons and craft lessons. I went last week to my cystic fibrosis centre and had a check up. My lungfunction had declined and my doctor thought I had an infection in my lungs. That wasn't it. But we don't know it yet. Maybe I have astma, but that's more a little joke of mine....My bloodsugars where higher than normal so they took some blood and now I have to wait for the results.
Yesterday I went swimming but I was so tired and had trouble with breathing, I was peeping a lot. Hope it wil be over soon.

Last week I ordered my medicines and yesterday I got it. The antibiotics for the aerosol therapy was in a new packing. So I don't have so much to through away. Normaly it was packed per piece and now it is in a box of 60.

This morning I put al the medicines in the closets so I can go for it for a while.

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