Thursday, August 25, 2005

Arjans second week vacation

Sunday morning I began as usely with my aerosoltherapy and having breakfast. We agreed to leave for Santpoort about half past 10. Arjan was just in bed at 9.45 hrs. So I decided to wake him up. Arjan loves to sleep long. I can’t. My lungs hunger for treathment. The so called “lung toilet”. During the aerosoltherapy I watch tv and Macy sits on my lap. That’s our start of the day. When I called Arjan, he was ready for going to his parents very quick. We arrived about 1 o’clock in santpoort. They said we were late, but Arjan told them we will arrive at noon. Don’t tell a time….they are waiting…haha.
Arjans’ aunt Bep and uncle Henk were over. It was nice to see them again. We talked about photography and how pictures are made. Most of the youth doesn’t know that anymore, they have a digicam. For my study drawing-art, I had to go in the photolab to make photos myself. That was my favorite lesson. When the pictures were finished we had to make an exposition or a photoreport. All those things disappeare. What a pitty.

After the formule 1 race, Marischa, Marinus and Willem came over and we had a barbeque. There was to many food left. We had to trow some away because it came out of the freezer. You can’t freeze in meat twice.
Arjan did some things on the computer and we went home at 22.00 hours.

Monday I had to call Hoekloos, my oxigensupplier again. The ambuloxtank was now really empty. The lady on the phone asked me to lift up the tank and I could. She said that the tank was empty because you can’t lift a tank that weights 60 kilo’s. There’s a new tank on his way. At noon they came and got me a new tank. That’s better. It’s full!

Tuesday our cleaninglady, Afke came. Arjan was repairing the floor in the bathroom. There were some tiles broken in the showercabine. So he made threecolour mozaik mats in it. It isn’t ready jet but next week he wants to finish it. Wednesday I had to train on the hometrainer. We heard that Pietie, my official train physical therapist had her shoulder out of the joint. Maybe she has to go for an operation. So she is in pain I think…

This morning I slept until nine. When I woke up I began with my aerosoltherapy and in the mean time I watched “as the world turns”. This time Macy stayed in het bed…
At noon I put on my clothes and we went to the supermarket. To get some food for today and tomorrow. Saturday we will go again to get the grooceries for arjans birthdayparty on Sunday. Arjan turns 35 next Tuesday so we're having a barbeque for friends and family.
First we went to the vet. To buy Macy’s food. She needs a diet because she had stones in her bladder. This Urinary diet is to dissapeare this stones and to prevent. She is now much better since this food.

At half past one I had to go to the golfcourse. We began with practise putting. In the beginning it went badly but later on it became better. After the puts we went to the driving range to practise our swing with club number 7. It went good. Sometimes I made a mishit, but tyger woods will have some too I guesh…After our lesson we had something to drink at the terras at the club. It was nice to sit there. We scaduled our next lessons. The first will be at september the 15th.
Tomorrow we go to Lydia in Assen. Her son Stefan had his birthday but that day I had stomach-ache. So we go there tomorrow. And see what the new house looks like. Then we go to my aunt in Hardenberg. She breeds chiwahwah doggies. So little are they. They have new nests now….I would like to have one..but that’s not sensible right now, with my transplantation later. We also visit a girl, whom I met in the hospital. She’s on the waiting list for a lungtransplantation too. We don’t know if she’s at home. We will surprise her.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

What a week!

We are home again! We had a nice little week in Tilburg. We arrived on Friday about 9.30 hrs. The trip went well without trafficjam. Even Macy was quiet and sat all the trip on my lap. She was adorable.
Saturday we went to the efteling. We could sleep a bit longer than the others because they had to come from Santpoort. Arjans’ parents, Nico and Tineke, Arjans’ sister, Marischa and het boyfriend Marinus and his colleage Willem came to get us at 10 o’clock. We drove in two cars and we arrived at 11 hrs in the park. We had to go to the ER post first, to bring my second oxigentank. So we didn’t had to carry two tanks with us all day long. We brought a backpack to carry the tank. This bag has wheels so you can use it also as a trolly. We needed that because Arjan broke one of the bands when he would take the bag off. He doesn’t know his strenght sometimes….
At first we went in the Carnaval festival. Very nice, now we have the song in our minds all day long!! After that we went to birdrock. Mama, Tineke and me waited. Arjan liked it, see photo!!
After we had something to eat, we went in the pagode, a very high attraction, with a very nice view. By the way, we had very nice weather! So we could see very far away. Marinus and Willem stayed down to earth, a little bit off high-ache!! Haha.
After that Mama, Arjan and I went in the pirate ship. The rest waited for us. Marischa wanted in the python and I should go with her but my mum didn’t allow it. She was scared that I get a pneumothorax. I just forgot that the python had three times to get all around and two loopings..little scary, And there was a waitingtime from more than an hour!!! No thanks.
Then there was de Pegasus, a wooden attraction for daredevils…We all went in except Tineke. We had to wait al little time but then we had a nice ride!!Less than three minutes, Back pain, because there are no soft seats…But it was great! Very good for the bones, haha!

After we had some food and drinks we went in the piranha. Wild water attraction…We had nice weather so…We went with two boats. Marischa, Tineke, Marinus and Willem in the first and Nico, Mama,Arjan and I in the second boat. Tineke and Marisch got the waterfall and were wet, Tineke didn’t like it! We weren’t wet at all. Then we went in the bobride. Also very quick but nice!
In between the weather changed and during our dinner, it began to rain a little bit. Then we decided to do all the inside attractions. First fata morgana, and pandadream. Then we had to go to the ER post to get my second oxigentank. Althought my first tank wasn’t empty, because in the bag it stayed cool so that the tank was empty less quicker. We decided to place the other tank also in the bag, because we had to use it as a trolly and we didn’t had to go back when we leave the park to get the empty tank.
We went to the dream flight. We had to wait there for more than an hour because of a deffect. Mama and I sat down at al wall and when the others were at the door we went in the line again.
After the ride we went to the restaurant to have some drinks and buy some things. Everybody got a little tiered…we had a long day…At last we went with a train wit lights. It was already dark. It was an nice view. We came home in Tilburg at 22.30 hrs. They had something to drink and Marischa tried to fitt my jeans. She lost more then 40 kilo’s of weight and the jeans fits her so she got it.

Sunday we didn’t do much because I was very tiered. We got my peter and meter over. Gerard and Patty from Arnhem. Here a photo, together with Patty and my mum.

Monday we visited the Hornbach. I bought a painting canvas, an ablong format. And a pillbox. Well it’s for screws but I don’t eat them, haha…We went also to the center and we lunched at V&D. I bought a watchband.

Tuesday we visited Scheveningen. Even my dad went with us… We visited sealife at the pier. We saw very nice fish and we walked through an alley where the fish swim above us. They had a ford ka with all fish in it. A pitty was that I was still tiered. So I could’t walk very far. We sat down often. At 4 o’clock we went on our way to Tilburg. We had dinner in restaurant Paris. I ordered a tomatosoup but when I took my spoon in the soup I found a fly in it…jehhk. No more soup for me, thank you very much! I didn’t find anything else in the rest of my food…haha.

Wednesday we went home in the morning. At Breda we had traffic jam. So Macy wouldn’t sit quiet at my lap. So we put her into the catcaddy. I could sleep a little and whem we arrived at home we relaxed some and we needed to buy groocherys, because there wasn’t anything in the refrigerator.

Thursday the weather was very nice. Arjan went cleaning the swimmingpool ect. And I did the laundry. At 2 o’clock I had to go to my golflesson. I was already tiered, but we played hole one. It went oke. My third shot was the best. The bal got on the green, close to the hole but I missed. So I got this hole in 5 times. (it was a par 4) We may trie 6 times. Martin brought me back with the handycar because I couldn’t walk back. I was to tiered. A man helped me to put my golfbag into my car. When I got home I went to bed for an hour. Arjan went into the pool when I was gone. But the temperature of the water was only 20 degrees C. brrr..way to cold for me.
Now we know wy I 'm so tiered. In Tilburg I put the oxigen on 1,5 but at home I have 1 liter. So my luns and brestmusscles got lacy. Now it’s oke again.

Yesterday Hoekloos my oxigensupplier came to fill up my tank. He was quiet early so we decided to make a tour in our neighbourhoud. We drove an ANWB route the noordelijke overijssel route. Very nice. We came allong: ossenzijl, blokzijl, giethoorn, meppel, steenwijk, staphorst, luttelgeest. There we went to de orchideeenhoeve again. I bought three plants this time. We also had some caffee and tea with a piece of cake.
About half past 5 we were home again and we ate some spagetti.
Today we’re planned to go to the shoppingcenter to get some little things and to check if they can make my backpack. Well it couldn’t be made. Arjan bought new shoes for his work and lamps for his bike. He has to go to footbal tonight. Heerenveen vs Roda. He want to go by bike, but his lamps didn’t work and you must have good lamps on it.

When we came home I saw that my oxigentank was already half empty. He was just refilled yesterday so it’s not good. I called Hoekloos and I have to call again on Monday. So they can scadule me again to refill the tank properly. Tomorrow we go to Arjans parents in Santpoort. We planned a bbq. Hope the weather will be better…well arjan has vacation so it will be, he said!!!

Friday, August 12, 2005


Last week I didn’t had stomach-ache anymore. I made me a feedingscedule with my enteral feeding ect. I don’t do that all the time. With enteral feeding I sleep badly because I have to go to the bathroom so often. That’s because I get 1 liter extra fluid. With the peptisorb I feel hungry in the morning and that’s what I need. The last time I didn’t at very much. That's a sign of an infection. Now I eat better. Last check up I was 56 kg. I didn’t lost waight but I was 59 kg once. That’s what I want to waight again. I can use some kilo’s extra.

Last week I got a new blood sugar testing meter. I only should send in my older meter or my reserve meter. I wanted to send in my reserve meter but when I came at the postoffice, it was closed because of a computerdisturbance. Just when I go there, it is closed. Tsss.
Wednesday I tried to send my meter and they helped me right away. Mostly I must wait there an half an hour…I got lucky…

During this last week I didn’t do much spectaculairs. Today I'm busy with packing clothes and my medicines. We go to Tilburg in the evening. After dinner we will go. Arjan has still to work today and then he has vacation for three weeks. Tomorrow we go to the efteling with the whole family except my dad. He doesn’t want to go. He says he has something better to do! Wednesday we are coming home again. I have to play golf on Thursday and Friday Hoekloos, my oxigensupplier comes again to fill up my tank. The rest of the vacation we plan per day. Hopely the weather will be better. Our swimming pool runs over because of the sour rain.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Nice weekend

Yesterday my day began early. I woke up in the middle of the night, because I had stamoch-ache. I went to the bathroom several times. That’s not fun, when you planned a day out. In the morning we went to the supermarket. We also bought little tygerbreads. After breakfast arjans’ parents came and they brought over our german friends, Michaela and her boyfriend Mike. Marischa (arjans’sister) and her friend Marinus brought their friend Willem with them.
We first drank some coffee with a piece of “oranjekoek”, a typical friesien cake. So, they can't say we didn't serve anything with the coffee!!. My father in law preferred a “bossche bol”, a typical chocolate cake from Den Boss. ( a city in the south of netherlands) In friesland we don’t have that.!

Then we went on our way to the “Orchideeën hoeve” in Luttelgeest. We didn’t visit the tropical garden because it was very busy and we were running out off time, because we just had to go to Giethoorn. In the store they bought some nice plants. I didn’t buy one, because the one I got last time, is already dead. So it’s a pitty. And I have my new begonia’s now. Hope they will survive. About 3 pm. We were in Giethoorn. They were waiting for us already. We could get on the site seeing tour boat immediately. We didn’t got very far because we had a crass with an other boat. The boy in the speedboat went first but we had to go first. He went way to vast. So he has a dent in his new boat. My father in law had to give a description to the water police about the accident. We didn’t have any damages so we could began our tour. We had some big rains during the tour. Giethoorn is a nice place to be for a while. Not to life. You life on an isle. You can’t come there with the car. You have to take a little boat or you must walk. That’s not good for my oxigensupplier…When we came back from the tour, I had to go to the bathroom again. I still had some stomach-ache. I tried to eat my lavagrilled meat and it was very good. I didn’t got any trouble anymore. At 7.30 pm. We were in Heerenveen again and about 9.30 pm. The family went to Santpoort again. This morning Michaela and Mike went home again, their vacation is ending. This morning I felt oke. We decided to stay at home. We were invited to Stefans’ birthday party. He is my friend Lydia’s son. I send Lydia a sms because They were in their new home in Assen. There isn’t the phone working yet. (well maybe it works already..). We wil go over there later on this month to celebrate the birthday and their new home.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Not fit

Today I'm not feeling fit. It started yesterday. Begin this week, I started to cough and I even woke up this night because of my coughing. In the morning I started with my aerosoltherapie, and had some breakfast. After that I watched tv but I almost fell a sleep. ( that's not a good sign, when you're just out off bed)
Well, I put on the computer while I was waiting for Hoekloos, my oxigensupplier. They came early so I could have lunch. Whem I'm finish this blog I take an ibuprofen and then I'm going to bed. When I wake up, I hope I feel better. Yesterday my medication came, but not my colistine, the antibiotics for aerosoltherapie. It will come in today, otherwise monday.

Tomorrow we planned a day out with Arjans parents and sister and her friend and colleage and also friends from Germany. First they will visit the monument on the "afsluitdijk" and then they come at our place. We all go to the orchideeën hoeve in Luttelgeest. After that we go to Giethoorn. We made a reservation for two boats at restaurant het zwaantje after boating we have some dinner at the lavastonegrill.
Tomorrow the weather isn't good. If I'm not feeling well, I'm not going with the boat. I don't want to get realy sick. Next week we're going to Tilburg to my parents and to the park, the efteling. That's what I want. The weather will better than. I hope so!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Battery check

Yesterday it was my day out. Normaly. At 10.40 hrs I had to go to the physical therapist and after that I wanted to shop in the village. Also to the chemist's to get some "things" without a prescription. But it went a little different I planned. At 10 o'clock I was ready to leave, but my car said: "trrrrrieeee plopfff". He didn't start anymore. The battery was empty. D***, Sh**.....!

Oke, Who shall I call? At first my therapist, then my dearest Arjan. Yes, he probebly knows a solution. He works at a garage so.... He tells me things I don't want to hear. "Ask our neighbour, he can start the car with...", "he isn't home, snik..snik...", "He comes home soon...", "oke, but....oh leave it...". In my angre I end our conversation and Arjan calls back immediatly. "what's wrong?", "the car broke down and just when I planned my day out". Well I must wait for my neighbour. After 15 minutes I see my neighbour and he started my car with his car. So I went to Leeuwarden to Arjans work. There they tested the battery and it was broke. So they put in a new one. Arjan also made my lock. I couln't open my door normaly. Well everything is alright now. My Ford Ka drives again!
I'm out again! So today I did my "things" in the village.

When I came home, to write my blogs, I read about Esmé, but she's very ill. She's in Intensive Care in the hospital. She has CF and she had new lungs in january. But her new lungs are repulsing from her body. She get's medication and hopely it works. Esmé couldn't enjoy her new life jet, because she had so many complications. It's so unfear!
And then to think that I'm a wrack when my car broke down and she is fighting for her life at the same time!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Red wine and rain.

Last week I relaxed and didn't made some plans. It's vacation, after all!
Thirsday I began to make some frames for my paintings. I have a couple of paintings waiting for a frame. Those paintings I made last year, already. I didn't had enough wood for he frames so Arjan and I, went to the store "Praxis". After that, we went to see hotairballons in Joure. It was already crowded but it was only 19.30 hrs. Mostly they fly at 20 or 20.30 hrs. Maybe because of the weather. On wednesday the balloons didn't fly because it was raining. We were there about 1 and half hours. It was weard because the balloons went flying from the field and flew to the caffee factory douwe egberts. Then suddenly they came back. Just over us...nice few! The wind obviously turned. They flew already an hour. The balloons came to the ground, less than a kilometer from the field where they got in the air. It was very hot, so we thought of thunder and rain. It never came. In 2003 Arjan and I went with the 'bassie en adriaan' balloon. This time we saw 'our' balloon again.

That thursday it was very hot. I didn't had problems with my lungs because I stayed inside the house. In the livingroom it was 22 C and outsite it was 28 C. I saw it on the weatherstation. And I just felt the heat when Arjan went outside with Macy. Pfff wat a hot day! Even when the sun didn't shine most of the day.
When we came home after watching the balloons. we tested our new sawing'thing'. You can put in the degrees of the corner. So you can make nice frames. We made the frames for my danserspainting. Friday I painted the frame and vernished the painting and also the portret I made of Arjan. Now I only have to make a frame for a portret of myself when I was 8 years old and Marcia, the dog of my grandmother.
Saturday we went to the supermarket again. And after that we went to the gardencentre to buy some plants for in the livingroom. I bought two begonia's for in the pots who are now empty. Those plants were almost dead so I put them away. It was al little empty so I wanted new plants. I also bought three plants for the outside pots. Arjan had to make some holes in the pots but our machine couldn't make some so I think I buy Arjan a new stronger machine for his birthday. Well, he liked that idea of mine.

After dinner we went to camping the wigwam where my cousin Marinka is on vacation with her kids. She stays in the mobile home of my aunt Doet. The kids were to the kidsbingo with their dad. We sat outside for a while. Later we went inside because it became coulder. We played cards, first with the kids and later we did "klaferjassen" a very dutch cardgame. I can't play it so I got a quick course. Marinka and I drank some red wine. I felt it immediatly, because I never drink alcohol. Sunday it was clear!!! I can't have wine, I'm out!! I woke up at 10.30 hrs. and I needed a nep in the afternoon..Oh dear! Well, it was just raining all day long. So I could dream about red wine and cards!