Monday, September 12, 2005

Enteral feeding time

Last night I had to use my enteral feeding therapy again. I took some vacation of it, but now the R is in the month again and I have to go swimming, to painting lesson, to modelling class, go to the asthma foundation meetings, so I’m busy for 100% again. I need extra energy for all of that.! I could get in the naso-gastric feeding tube very easy. I also knew how to fill the enteral feeding systhem! Haha…
When I connected the tube to the systhem, I got a FLOW ERROR.. What’s that, what’s wrong??? I tried to get some air through the tube with an injection but it didn’t work. I already had some feedingfluid over my hands. So I had to go to the bathroom. There I saw that the locker from the feedingsysthem was blocked. A manufacturing error…. Arjan had to get a new systhem from the kitchen. It never happened in mij hole enteral feeding carrier!

I woke up very often, because I had to go to the bathroom. I get extra fluid so I need to go very often. At 6.30 hrs. The enteral feeding was empty and I turned off the pump and slept again untill 7.14 hrs. I woke up becauce of the worning men. They had to finisch the rest of the sidewalk. They made it very bad so I called to complain. The didn’t come for moer than a week. So maybe through my call??? But now they made much more then last time in the same hours….tssss.

Today I got a postcard from two cf friends. I met them at the cf contactday for olderly cf patients and I talk to them via msn. They went shopping in antwerpen and I told them to send me a card for fun, but they did … so very nice of them…thanks!

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