Thursday, June 01, 2006

e-flow and thriompf 5

Last week I had some appointments. First I had a meeting for our internetcafé. Our startplan was oke and now we can open the internetcafé finally. Also we got the subsidy we asked to the neighbourboard. Now we can start!
An old girlfriend came to visit me and she had just moved on her own again. She told me she had found a job for a one year contract. She was at home for two years and it became difficult to find a new job, but she has found it now.
On wednesday the new colistine, my inhalation antobiotics medicines, came. A new methode. One farmacy in the netherlands will deliver those medicines in the whole country. Friday I also got my new aerosol apparatus. The e-flow. It is very quiet and super fast...I'm glad with it.

Today I had to swim and it went very good. At 2 o'clock they came to messure my scootmobile. He showed me a showmodel and it was the triompf 5. A red one. If there is one in the depot, I get him next week but when he has to order a new one, I get it over three weeks. Hope we have some nice weather soon. It looks like fall...